Saturday, 31 May 2008

Battlestar Operatica

I've made no secret of my love for the reimagined Battlestar Galactica and one of the features that makes it so unique is its soundtrack;
Bear McCreary's
compositions are astounding in their originality, their influences, and in the sheer quantity he is able to score for what is a weekly television series.

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Best. Video. Ever.

If you don't agree: you're wrong.

Going On

I failed to pick up on quite how amazing this song was when the second Gnarls Barkley album was released, but I now agree with Kanye West, this is the best song on it.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

A Popular Choice

David Thompson has a post up about the horror of Guardianistas at Boris Johnson's election. The 'racist' and 'snob' epithets continue to be popular - all that hard-hitting research by Compass must have really swayed opinions - but the comment that really underlines the left's problem with Boris is Vivienne Westwood's:

"Boris as mayor? Unthinkable. It just exposes democracy as a sham, especially if people don’t vote for Ken."

Johnson won a bigger mandate on a bigger turnout; democracy hasn't been exposed as a sham, it has been demonstrated in action.

Friday, 2 May 2008

An Unfortunate Choice

The LibDems probably ought to regret their choice for London Mayoral candidate; from Iain Dale:

"Unbelievable. Brian Paddick just admitted on BBC London that he had given his second preference to Lindsey German, the Left List Candidate! Words almost fail me."